Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 145

Discussion - Essay Example The best null hypothesis in this case is; The quality of products manufactured in overseas plants is not better than the quality of products manufactured in U.S. plants. This hypothesis will be essential in helping to compare the quality of products produced in the overseas and local plants. Since it is a comparison that is being made, it is crucial to use words that portray a disparity between the local and abroad products. While conducting the research to ascertain the hypothesis, the appropriate tests to be carried out include an evaluation of the costs and benefits of both local and overseas plants. The research should assess which of the two options is the cheapest. In addition, the purpose of the study should be to portray why local manufacturing will produce quality products compared to overseas production. Since the local manufacturing plants are already established compared to foreign plants that are to be introduced, they will yield better results. When conducting the statistical test, I would chose a significant level to determine whether there is statistical significance in the results. The best approach to use is by checking the test that will give a lower probability of an error. The possible outcomes of my statistical tests is that they will yield positive results based on the hypothesis being tested. However, there are limitations since the variables being compared have significant diffe rences (Downing & Clark,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Two Countries Essay Example for Free

Two Countries Essay All countries in the world are unique. There are many differences and similarities between Brazil and the United States. They are different from one another in location, size; culture, government, education, healthcare, economy, and lifestyles. Many countries share similarities and have some differences. Brazil and the United States are in different hemispheres, but these two nations share many similarities. Â  One important similarity is their governments. Both Brazil and the United States have a president as head of state that is elected and only allowed one re-election. They both are federal governments and have a four years term in office. They both governments are guided by a written constitution and have three branches. These are the similarities I could say about their politics. Another similarity between Brazil and the United States is the diversity of ethnic groups. Brazil was colonized by Europeans, and its culture has been greatly influenced by this fact. However, the identity of the Brazilian people is not solely a product of western civilization. Brazil has many ethnic groups that immigrated there and mixed with the native people. The United States also has a diversity of ethnic groups representing the early colonists from northern Europe as well as groups from Africa, the Mediterranean, Asia, and South America. The mixture of cultures and customs has worked to form ethnically rich cultures in both countries. One important difference between Brazil and the United States is the public health system. The Brazilian public health system is the National Health System (SUS), and the United States public health system is managed and provided by government. They both have a private health system with serve in a complementary role. The Brazilian public health services are universal and available to all citizens of the country for free. In the United States public health system is government programs directly cover a small part of the population including the elderly, disabled, children, veterans, and some of the poor. Federal law mandates public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay. Therefore, this is a small difference between these Brazil and the United States’ health system. Finally, Brazil and the United States education systems have public and private schools. They have different ways to enter in college, but the same time is spent in the basic schools. The teacher’s devotion with teaching is the same, but there are different relationships between teachers and students. This is a brief comparison between the Brazilian and American educational system. In conclusion, there are many differences and similarities between countries, as location, size, culture, government, education, healthcare, economy, and lifestyles. These are some elements that could be similar or different between Brazil and the United States.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dell Computer Supply Chain Management Essay -- Business Management

Dell Computer Supply Chain Management Table of Contents Executive Summary  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3 Focus of the Proposal  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4 Research and Analysis: Dell ¡Ã‚ ¯s Competitive Advantage  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   6 Dell ¡Ã‚ ¯s IT Tools  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   9 Dell ¡Ã‚ ¯s Business Model  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  14 Dell ¡Ã‚ ¯s IT Infrastructure  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  18 Our Recommendations&nbs... ...bsp;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Dell courts customers online. Industry Week. April 3, 2000, Retrieved, April 4, 2004. Internet World. May 15, 2001, Retrieved, April 6, 2004. Dell speeds web site hosting setup, expands option; lower prices, availability of PowerApp servers broadens DellHost services. Edge: Work-Group Computing Report. May 22, 2000, Retrieved, April 5, 2004. Dell selects Altiris recover solution to provide desktop and notebook customers with integrated backup and disaster recovery. EDP Weekly's IT Monitor. August 18, 2003, Retrieved, April 5, 2004. New Servers: Dell defines a new combination of power and value with PowerEdge 1300 workgroup server. EDGE: Work-Group Computing Report, Retrieved, April 6, 2004.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Comparison of Moods in Beowulf and Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot :: comparison compare contrast essays

Moods in Beowulf and Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Reading a work of literature often makes a reader experience certain feelings.   These feeling differ with the content of the work, and are usually needed to perceive the author's ideas in the work.   For example, Samuel Beckett augments a reader's understanding of Waiting For Godot by conveying a mood, (one which the characters in the play experience), to the reader. Similarly, a dominant mood is thrust upon a reader in Beowulf.   These moods which are conveyed aid the author in conveying ideas to a reader.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Waiting for Godot, Beckett uses many pauses, silences, and ellipses (three dots (...) used to create a break in speech) to express a feeling of waiting and unsureness.   There is a twofold purpose behind this technique. For one, it shows that Vladimir and Estragon, the two main characters who are waiting for Godot,   are unsure of why they are waiting for him.   This also foreshadows that they will be waiting a very long time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In some cases in literature, an idea can only be conveyed properly if those on the receiving end of the idea   are able to experience the feelings that a character is experiencing in the work.   For example, in order for a reader to feel how and understand why Vladimir and Estragon feel as though they do while they wait, it is essential for that reader to either understand or experience the same feelings that Vladimir and Estragon are experiencing.   Vladimir and Estragon are waiting;   waiting for Godot, to be exact; and Beckett wants the reader to feel as if he or she were waiting also.   Along with the feeling of waiting that a reader may experience, he or she might also understand how Vladimir and Estragon feel at times: Unsure, not very anxious to move on, and constantly having to wait.   A feeling of timelessness is even evoked, allowing almost anyone from nearly any time to understand Vladimir and Estragon's predicament.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many times people may feel overwhelmed by a higher force unalterable to them.   This force may control something such as their fate.   In the Anglo-Saxon culture, a popular belief was that of fate.   The writers of Beowulf may have known that not all people believe in the power of fate. Therefore, to properly convey such an idea as the inevitability of fate in the epic, the writers included events which, when read, are also "experienced" by the reader.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Skewed Moralities

â€Å"Money for Morality,† she presumes to state her thesis which details that in today's society we have lost the need to be self-motivated and otherwise rely on other people to bargain with us with tokens of success thus sullying our dignified good deeds. This is expressed best in Mary Regardless' first example of a boy whom goes out of his way to return a large sum of cash to its rightful owner whilst not intending upon receiving a reward and yet however is pursued by another group of adults wishing to reimburse him for his troubles and finding that the reward is deserved of a large sum of money.Mary Regardless' goes on to explain that through actions like these, not only are our efforts being diminished but also we are being trained to expect rewards for deeds that supersede the plane of what is Just. To give her argument strength she includes personal ties to her own relationship with her son and his personal account of his friends and their parents. In this story they de scribe the teacher's and parent's effort to set up a bargaining system with their youthful counterparts thus giving the students a bribe of sorts to achieve to a higher standard.To which of course Mary Regardless states, â€Å"Doing well is its own reward. The A Just confirms that. † To conclude Mary Regardless sums up with a knowledgeable remark about being a good example; that parents, or rather Just people in general, should make it their objective to provide good means of raising their kids through the power of suggestion. Rather than making their way to the couch or wasting time and money at some mall, spent that time instead to read a book, do some basic chores. At a developing age it only provides positive reinforcement to a child that will carry them through the rest of life In order to achieve.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Biography of Gabriel Garcia Moreno - Gabriel Garcia Moreno Profile

Biography of Gabriel Garcia Moreno - Gabriel Garcia Moreno Profile Gabriel Garcia Moreno, President of Ecuador 1860-1865, 1869-1875: Gabriel Garcà ­a Moreno (1821-1875) was an Ecuadorian lawyer and politician who served as President of Ecuador from 1860 to 1865 and again from 1869 to 1875. In between, he ruled through puppet administrations. He was a staunch conservative and Catholic who believed that Ecuador would only prosper when it had strong and direct ties to the Vatican. He was assassinated in Quito during his second term. Early Life of Gabriel Garcia Moreno: Garcà ­a was born in Guayaquil but moved to Quito at a young age, studying law and theology at Quito’s Central University. By the 1840’s he was making a name for himself as an intelligent, eloquent conservative who railed against the liberalism that was sweeping South America. He almost entered the priesthood, but was talked out of it by his friends. He took a trip to Europe in the late 1840’s, which served to further convince him that Ecuador needed to resist all liberal ideas in order to prosper. He returned to Ecuador in 1850 and attacked the ruling liberals with more invective than ever. Early Political Career: By then, he was a well known speaker and writer for the conservative cause. He was exiled to Europe, but returned and was elected Mayor of Quito and appointed Rector of the Central University. He also served in the senate, where he became the leading conservative in the nation. In 1860, with the help of Independence veteran Juan Josà © Flores, Garcà ­a Moreno seized the presidency. This was ironic, as he had been a supporter of Flores’ political enemy Vicente Rocafuerte. Garcà ­a Moreno quickly pushed through a new constitution in 1861 which legitimized his rule and allowed him to start working on his pro-Catholic agenda. Garcà ­a Moreno’s Unflagging Catholicism: Garcà ­a Moreno believed that only by establishing very close ties to the church and the Vatican would Ecuador progress. Since the collapse of the Spanish colonial system, liberal politicians in Ecuador and elsewhere in South America had severely curtailed church power, taking away land and buildings, making the state responsible for education and in some cases evicting priests. Garcà ­a Moreno set out to reverse all of it: he invited Jesuits to Ecuador, put the church in charge of all education and restored ecclesiastical courts. Naturally, the 1861 constitution declared Roman Catholicism the official state religion. A Step Too Far: Had Garcà ­a Moreno stopped with a few reforms, his legacy may have been different. His religious fervor knew no bounds, however, and he did not stop there. His goal was a near-theocratic state ruled indirectly by the Vatican. He declared that only Roman Catholics were full citizens: everyone else had their rights stripped away. In 1873, he had the congress dedicate the Republic of Ecuador to â€Å"The Sacred Heart of Jesus.† He convinced Congress to send state money to the Vatican. He felt that there was a direct link between civilization and Catholicism and intended to enforce that link in his home nation. Gabriel Garcia Moreno, Dictator of Ecuador: Garcà ­a Moreno was certainly a dictator, although one whose type had been unknown in Latin America before. He severely limited free speech and the press and wrote his constitutions to suit his agenda (and he ignored their restrictions when he wished). Congress was there only to approve his edicts. His staunchest critics left the country. Still, he was atypical in that he felt that he was acting for the best of his people and taking his cues from a higher power. His personal life was austere and he was a great foe of corruption. Accomplishments of President Morenos Administration: Garcà ­a Moreno’s many accomplishments are often overshadowed by his religious fervor. He stabilized the economy by establishing an efficient treasury, introducing a new currency and improving Ecuador’s international credit. Foreign investment was encouraged. He provided good, low cost education by bringing in Jesuits. He modernized agriculture and built roads, including a decent wagon track from Quito to Guayaquil. He also added universities and increased student enrollment in higher education. Foreign Affairs: Garcà ­a Moreno was famous for meddling in the affairs of neighboring nations, with the goal of bringing them back to the church just as he had done with Ecuador. He twice went to war with neighboring Colombia, where President Toms Cipriano de Mosquera had been curtailing church privileges. Both interventions ended in failure. He was outspoken in his support of Austrian transplant Emperor Maximilian of Mexico. Death and Legacy of Gabriel Garcà ­a Moreno: In spite of his accomplishments, the liberals (most of them in exile) loathed Garcà ­a Moreno with a passion. From safety in Colombia, his harshest critic, Juan Montalvo, wrote his famous tract â€Å"The Perpetual Dictatorship† attacking Garcà ­a Moreno. When Garcà ­a Moreno declared that he would not relinquish his office after his term expired in 1875, he began to get serious death threats. Among his enemies were the Freemasons, dedicated to ending any connection between church and state. On August 6, 1875, he was killed by a small group of assassins wielding knives, machetes and revolvers. He died near the Presidential Palace in Quito: a marker can still be seen there. Upon learning the news, Pope Pius IX ordered a mass said in his memory. Garcà ­a Moreno did not have an heir who could match his intelligence, skill and fervent conservative beliefs, and the government of Ecuador fell apart for a while as a series of short-lived dictators took charge. The people of Ecuador didn’t really want to live in a religious theocracy and in the chaotic years that followed Garcà ­a Morenos death all of his favors to the church were taken away once again. When liberal firebrand Eloy Alfaro took office in 1895, he made sure to remove any and all vestiges of Garcà ­a Moreno’s administration. Modern Ecuadorians consider Garcà ­a Moreno a fascinating and important historical figure. The religious man who accepted assassination as martyrdom today continues to be a popular topic for biographers and novelists: the latest literary work on his life is Sà © que vienen a matarme (â€Å"I know they are coming to kill me†) a work that is half-biography and half-fiction written by acclaimed Ecuadorian writer Alicia Yaà ±ez Cossio. Source: Herring, Hubert. A History of Latin America From the Beginnings to the Present. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1962.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Hemophilia in Queen Victoria’s Descendants

Hemophilia in Queen Victoria’s Descendants Three or four of the children of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert are known to have had the hemophilia gene.  A son, four grandsons, and six or seven great-grandsons and possibly a great-granddaughter were afflicted with hemophilia. Two or three daughters and four granddaughters were carriers who passed the gene to the next generation, without themselves being afflicted with the disorder. How Inheriting Hemophilia Work Hemophilia  is a chromosome disorder which is located on the sex-linked X chromosome.  The trait is recessive, which means that women, with two X chromosomes, must inherit it from both mother and father for the disorder to appear.  Men, however, have only one X chromosome, inherited from the mother, and the Y chromosome all men inherit from the father does not protect the male child from manifesting the disorder. If a mother is a carrier of the gene (one of her two X chromosomes has the abnormality) and the father is not, as seems to have been the case with Victoria and Albert, their sons have a 50/50 chance of inheriting the gene and being active hemophiliacs, and their daughters have a 50/50 chance of inheriting the gene and being a carrier, also passing it along to half of their children. The gene can also appear spontaneously as a mutation on an X chromosome, without the gene being present in the X chromosomes of either father or mother. Where Did the Hemophilia Gene Come From? Queen Victoria’s mother, Victoria, Duchess of Kent, did not pass a hemophilia gene to her older son from her first marriage, nor did her daughter from that marriage seem to have the gene to pass down to her offspring - the daughter, Feodora, had three sons and three daughters.  Queen Victoria’s father, Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, did not show signs of hemophilia.  There is a small possibility that the Duchess had a lover who had survived to adulthood though afflicted with hemophilia, it would have been highly unlikely that a man with hemophilia would have survived to adulthood at that time in history.  Prince Albert showed no signs of the disease, so he’s unlikely to have been the source of the gene, and not all the daughters of Albert and Victoria seem to have inherited the gene, which would have been true if Albert had the gene. The assumption from the evidence is that the disorder was a spontaneous mutation either in her mother at the time of the queen’s conception, or, more likely, in Queen Victoria. Which of Queen Victoria’s Children Had the Hemophilia Gene? Of Victoria’s four sons, only the youngest inherited hemophilia.  Of Victoria’s five daughters, two definitely were carriers, one was not, one had no children so it is not known whether she had the gene, and one may or may not have been a carrier. Victoria, Princess Royal, German Empress and Queen of Prussia: her sons showed no signs of being afflicted, and none of her daughters’ descendants were, either, so she apparently did not inherit the gene.Edward VII: he was not a hemophiliac, so he did not inherit the gene from his mother.Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse: she definitely carried the gene and passed it to three of her children.  Her fourth child and only son, Friedrich, was afflicted and died before he was three.  Of her four daughters who lived to adulthood, Elizabeth died childless, Victoria (maternal grandmother of Prince Philip) was apparently not a carrier, and Irene and Alix had sons who were hemophiliacs.  Alix, known later as Empress Alexandra of Russia, passed the gene to her son, the Tsarevitch Alexei, and his affliction influenced the course of Russian history.Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha: he was not a hemophiliac, so he did not inherit the gene from his mother.Princess Helena: she had two sons who died in infancy, which might be attributed to hemophilia, but that is not certain. Her other two sons showed no signs, and her two daughters did not have children. Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll: she had no children, so there is no way to know if she had inherited the gene.Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught: he was not a hemophiliac, so he did not inherit the gene from his mother.Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany: he was a hemophiliac who died after two years of marriage when bleeding could not be stopped after he fell. His daughter Princess Alice was a carrier, passing the gene to her eldest son who died when he bled to death after an automobile accident.  Alice’s younger son died in infancy so may or may not have been afflicted, and her daughter seems to have escaped the gene, as none of her descendants have been afflicted.  Leopold’s son, of course, did not have the disease, as sons do not inherit a father’s X chromosome.Princess Beatrice: like her sister Alice, she definitely carried the gene.  Two or three of her four children had the gene.  Her son Leopold bled to death during a knee operation at 32. Her son Ma urice was killed in action in World War I, and it’s disputed whether hemophilia was the cause. Beatrice’s daughter, Victoria Eugenia, married King Alfonso XIII of Spain, and their two sons both bled to death after car accidents, one at 31, one at 19.  Victoria Eugenia and Alfonso’s daughters have no descendants who’ve shown signs of the condition.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What You Need to Know About the Crusades

What You Need to Know About the Crusades The medieval Crusade was a holy war. For a conflict to be officially considered a Crusade, it had to be sanctioned by the pope and conducted against groups seen as enemies of Christendom. Initially, only those expeditions to the Holy Land (Jerusalem and associated territory) were considered Crusades. More recently, historians have also recognized campaigns against heretics, pagans, and Muslims in Europe as Crusades. How the Crusades Began For centuries, Jerusalem had been governed by Muslims, but they tolerated Christian pilgrims because they helped the economy. Then, in the 1070s, Turks (who were also Muslim) conquered these holy lands and mistreated Christians before realizing how useful their goodwill (and money) could be. The Turks also threatened the Byzantine Empire. Emperor Alexius asked the pope for assistance, and Urban II, seeing a way to harness the violent energy of Christian knights, made a speech calling for them to take back Jerusalem. Thousands responded, resulting in the First Crusade. When the Crusades Began and Ended Urban II made his speech calling for Crusade at the Council of Clermont in November, 1095. This is seen as the start of the Crusades. However, the reconquista of Spain, an important precursor to crusading activity, had been going on for centuries. Traditionally, the fall of Acre in 1291 marks the end of the Crusades, but some historians extend them to 1798, when Napoleon expelled the Knights Hospitaller from Malta. Crusader Motivations There were as many different reasons for crusading as there were crusaders, but the single most common reason was piety. To crusade was to go on pilgrimage, a holy journey of personal salvation. Whether that also meant giving up virtually everything and willingly facing death for God, bending to peer or family pressure, indulging bloodlust without guilt, or seeking adventure or gold or personal glory depended entirely on who was doing the crusading. Who Went on Crusade People from all walks of life, from peasants and laborers to kings and queens, answered the call. Women were encouraged to give money and stay out of the way, but some went on crusade anyway. When nobles crusaded, they often brought huge retinues, whose members may not necessarily have wanted to go along. At one time, scholars theorized that younger sons more frequently went crusading in search of estates of their own; however, crusading was an expensive business, and recent research indicates it was lords and elder sons who were more likely to crusade. The Number of Crusades Historians have numbered eight expeditions to the Holy Land, though some lump the 7th and 8th together for a total of seven crusades. However, there was a steady stream of armies from Europe to the Holy Land, so it is nearly impossible to distinguish separate campaigns. In addition, some crusades have been named, including the Albigensian Crusade, the Baltic (or Northern) Crusades, the Peoples Crusade, and the Reconquista. Crusader Territory Upon the success of the First Crusade, the Europeans set up a king of Jerusalem and established what is known as the Crusader States. Also called outremer (French for across the sea), the Kingdom of Jerusalem controlled Antioch and Edessa, and it was divided into two territories since these places were so far-flung. When ambitious Venetian merchants convinced warriors of the Fourth Crusade to capture Constantinople in 1204, the resulting government was referred to as the Latin Empire, to distinguish it from the Greek, or Byzantine, empire they had claimed. Crusading Orders Two important military orders were established in the early 12th century: the Knights Hospitaller and the Knights Templar. Both were monastic orders whose members took vows of chastity and poverty, yet they were also militarily trained. Their primary purpose was to protect and aid pilgrims to the Holy Land. Both orders did very well financially, particularly the Templars, who were notoriously arrested and disbanded by Philip IV of France in 1307. The Hospitallers outlasted the Crusades and continue, in a much-altered form, to this day. Other orders were established later, including the Teutonic Knights. Impact of the Crusades Some historians particularly Crusades scholars consider the Crusades the single most important series of events in the Middle Ages. The significant changes in the structure of European society that took place in the 12th and 13th centuries were long considered the direct result of Europes participation in the Crusades. This view no longer holds as strongly as it once did. Historians have recognized many other contributing factors in this complex time. Yet there is no doubt the Crusades contributed greatly to changes in Europe. The effort of raising armies and providing supplies for Crusaders stimulated the economy; trade benefited, as well, especially once the Crusader States were established. Interaction between the East and West affected European culture in areas of art and architecture, literature, mathematics, science and education. And Urbans vision of directing the energies of warring knights outward succeeded in reducing war within Europe. Having a common foe and common objective, even for those who didnt participate in the Crusade, fostered a view of Christendom as a united entity.   This has been a very basic introduction to the Crusades. For a better understanding of this extremely complex and greatly-misunderstood topic, please explore our Crusades Resources or read one of the Crusades Books recommended by your Guide.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Investigative journalism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Investigative journalism - Assignment Example While Jordan had shown willingness to trade Moath al-Kasasbeh with al-Rishawi, it asked for a proof of life suspecting that the pilot had long been killed. Jordanian intelligence reported that Moath al-Kasasbeh was already been killed as early January 3 of this year (Vinograd, 2015) and that ISIS is just using the pilot to gain media mileage that could enhance their propaganda warfare and have more recruits. Jordan’s retaliation was swift. It made good on its threat to execute its terrorist prisoners if Moath al-Kasasbeh will be killed. When the news of Moath al-Kasasbeh death through burning broke out in the news, the King cut short his visit from the United States and hurriedly went back home to Jordan and had their terrorists prisoners executed the next day. Jordan also vowed to wipe out ISIS at the face of the planet and will wage war on its own backyard. True to its promise, Jordan led by its King Abdullah, conducted a series of bombing in ISIS stronghold and positions. At present, there are already more than 56 airstrikes conducted by Jordan and counting. Other Arab countries are also joining the fight against crisis as United Arab Emirates had sent a squadron of its F-16 to join the bombing run against ISIS. United States cautioned that such attack must be coordinated with coalition forces for it to have more impact and effective and also to minimize the risk against coalition partners. While Jordan agrees, it is now also taking initiative on hitting ISIS targets. This development is relatively new in the fight against ISIS because for the first time, Arab countries in the Gulf are taking active participation in the fight particularly in the bombing run which was typically done by United States with only minor participation of Gulf Countries. That number has now increased and with the momentum of current development, it looks like the number of Arab countries participation against ISIS will

Friday, October 18, 2019

Act of Identity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Act of Identity - Assignment Example Whites are attracted by blacks’ cultural differences generated by mainstream social constructions despite being seen as a forbidden narrative, as well as a symbol of rebellion. He identified himself with hip-hop culture, wore baggy jeans, a reverse baseball cap, designer sneakers, as well as developing a taste to rap music. He interacted a lot with blacks and even changed the way he spoke and imitated the AAVE just like African American. Mike even criticized groups he viewed as anti-African American, such as Jews and Koreans. He even accused his mother of being racists by referring to one of his African American childhood friend as Negro (Cutler, 316). This shows how strongly he valued African Americans despite his mother’s dislike of the blacks. Moreover, he felt the name Negro was more offensive and hurting, and since he was fond of his childhood friend, he never wanted any form of hurt directed at him. He tried to associate with poverty in order to prove his authenti city to hip–hop. Therefore, by identifying with the African American culture, Mike wanted to be unique from other whites who were discriminating against the blacks. Moreover, he felt the need to socialize and study or learn the African American culture, as he wanted to lead that particular life. Mike even began using drugs and joined groups of gangs, thus making him collide with police. Another gang group broke his arms. At the age of 15, despite joining another private high school, he continued to use AAVE and hip hop terms like yo, I’ m sayin’ even though he now had modified his speech and was heading towards a better English (Cutler, 315). This showed that he used associated with the African American culture as a form of getting entertainment. Since he belonged to various African American gang groups, he intended to get friends who could help him realize his self. Therefore, he got entertained from activities of the group. Even though at one point he got inju red, he never abandoned the group despite his mother’s plea. Contrastingly, despite abandoning his former lifestyle, never shed the gangster image but still get involved in violent actions and confrontations. 2) Dowdy’s mother expected them to embrace colonization in order to become successful and to up hold their uncle’s image and family status. She argued that as survivors of the long years of slavery, the only way of ensure prosperity is by adopting the British language (Dowdy 2). Moreover, Dowd’s country had many expectations from the colonists. For instance, their books had to be published by British publication houses while the best student writing had to read by foreign audiences such as General of Certificate of Education in London (Dowdy 4). The newspapers in Trinidad had to be produced in the best English in order to enable the Majesty to read despite having got independence twelve years ago. Her mother also expected them to learn ballet, take p iano lessons, join choirs, and dress in the best way as per British fashion. However, the more she tried to please her mother, grandmother, and teachers, the more she got alienated from her friends and peers. Despite speaking the Queen’s language fluently, she frequently got mocked by her friends thus, making her feel lonely and in a different world from peers. For instance while my friends used Trinidadian to express their innermost thoughts and desires, she used the Queen’s language to please her family members and teacher and thus, lived in two different countries. She claims that the colonizer valued the native language for the colonized for entertainment. It underrates the colonizers language. Therefore, the successful colonized person remains in two worlds, the

Will show in the requirement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Will show in the requirement - Essay Example rampant and unpredictable and development of the human resource capital by the higher education institutions is equally challenging (Brewer& Brewer, 2010). The interrelationship of knowledge management (KM), Human Resources Management (HRM) and Higher Education (HE) is that, the challenges and newly developing needs in HRM and Knowledge Management provides Higher Education with an opportunity to understand the changing global business arena, and thus establish programs that seek to suit and solve these challenges. On the other hand, the Knowledge Management and HRM challenges will enable Higher Education to measure the effectiveness of its learning programs. The field of knowledge management has gained popularity both in business and human resource management, considering that it is a new avenue that is allowing organizations to sort out issues of information congestion and overload, without the necessity of an individual being a computer expert (Brewer& Brewer, 2010). Nevertheless, while knowledge management is a vital aspect that enhances the competitiveness of the Human Resource function within an organization, it must be supported by relevant HRM policies, to ensure that the generation, development and sharing of the knowledge happens smoothly. Similarly, if Higher education has to be effective, it must integrate the Knowledge Management and the Human Resource Management challenges that organizations are experiencing, so the human capital developed can be competent in addressing these challenges (Brewer& Brewer, 2010). In this regard therefore, the three concepts of Knowledge Management, Human Resource Management and Higher Educatio n must work together in sync, to solve the developing challenges in the global business arena. The information from this article has high applicability for both higher education business institutions and global organizations. The institutions of higher learning will use the information in the article for gaining insights into the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Respect your elders Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Respect your elders - Article Example at consumers tend to find online advertising annoying and have become desensitized to the plethora of different banner ads serving as promotional tools for marketers in the digital environment. Traditional postcards, however, have much higher ratios of retention and consumers are more engaged with their content and purpose. Many businesses are finding a much higher return on marketing investment through traditional marketing practices and strategies which suggests that old-school marketing is still highly relevant in the process of gaining consumer interest and attention to a product, service or corporate brand identity. Modern methods of marketing are not always effective as compared to tried and tested traditional marketing activities. This does not seem highly surprising considering that the majority of Facebook users, as one example, utilize this service as a social recreational tool and not as a medium by which to engage companies and examine brand strategies. Marketers must remember that not all consumer demographics are actively engaged in social media and the Internet on a regular basis, such as Baby Boomers and those younger markets that maintain very busy social and professional lifestyles. Therefore, digital marketing is not always effective in reaching consumers on a regular basis. In fact, a 2012 study conducted by Nielsen and NM Incite found that only 12 percent of white consumers and 18 percent of African American consumers actually make purchases after witnessing online advertisements in a social network (Consoli, 2012). Though modern marketing theory indicates that building relationships with customers is a critical marketing task to build brand preference and loyalty, the majority of disparate market segments only utilize social media for a brief period of time each day or week. Traditional marketing efforts, such as sending direct mailing advertisements, actually reach into the consumer environment and can be sent with recurring price

Research paper qualitative and quantitative Essay

Research paper qualitative and quantitative - Essay Example Caldwell’s framework is the basis of the research charter that has been followed for the critical analysis of research regarding health. The article is inscribed by Rtensson (RNT) & Persson (PhD, RN) and it was printed in Journal of Nursing Management in 2006. The authors are well known for their credibility. The focus of research is on the a world wide issue nowadays that is the the effect of life-style on health; the relationship between influence on health of working at night and the resulting diet or exercise habits is explored. It argues the issue which can potentially lead to the highest amount of life years mislaid by 2025 that is life style related illness. The issue is handled by concentrating on life-style issues identified with unhealthy dietary patterns and absence of physical action. The key issues discussed here include the affect of different variables/actors on the nurses working during night hours. These include colleagues, circadian rhythm and freedom of action. The facts presented and discussed help identify the objective of research i.e. whether these variables affect the diet and exercise habits of the workers. However, focus is more being laid upon the general health of the workers instead of a specific focus related to what they eat and if they work out or not. Nevertheless, the rationale for carrying out the research is clearly mentioned by stating that there is very scant data available on the relationship between working during night hours and diet or exercise habits: a gap in literature exists on this issue. Qualitative exploration is centered on subjective data. . Gatherings allow the researcher to examine the subject all around with respect to a particular topic and to have more noticeable control over the examination. In observation, subjects can be analyzed in their standard living space. The purpose of this sort of investigation is that the conclusions can be illuminating to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Respect your elders Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Respect your elders - Article Example at consumers tend to find online advertising annoying and have become desensitized to the plethora of different banner ads serving as promotional tools for marketers in the digital environment. Traditional postcards, however, have much higher ratios of retention and consumers are more engaged with their content and purpose. Many businesses are finding a much higher return on marketing investment through traditional marketing practices and strategies which suggests that old-school marketing is still highly relevant in the process of gaining consumer interest and attention to a product, service or corporate brand identity. Modern methods of marketing are not always effective as compared to tried and tested traditional marketing activities. This does not seem highly surprising considering that the majority of Facebook users, as one example, utilize this service as a social recreational tool and not as a medium by which to engage companies and examine brand strategies. Marketers must remember that not all consumer demographics are actively engaged in social media and the Internet on a regular basis, such as Baby Boomers and those younger markets that maintain very busy social and professional lifestyles. Therefore, digital marketing is not always effective in reaching consumers on a regular basis. In fact, a 2012 study conducted by Nielsen and NM Incite found that only 12 percent of white consumers and 18 percent of African American consumers actually make purchases after witnessing online advertisements in a social network (Consoli, 2012). Though modern marketing theory indicates that building relationships with customers is a critical marketing task to build brand preference and loyalty, the majority of disparate market segments only utilize social media for a brief period of time each day or week. Traditional marketing efforts, such as sending direct mailing advertisements, actually reach into the consumer environment and can be sent with recurring price

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Assignment

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) - Assignment Example The Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), are used by the accountants to record and report accounting information. The set of principles have been developed over the year by the accounting profession and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The laws that give the SEC that authority to establish, reporting and disclosure requirement, include the two laws which are: The Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. There are certain assumptions upon which the current set of principles operates (Cliff, 2013). These assumptions and the principles are normally considered to be GAAP and some of them are as discussed below: This assumes that each financial entity is to be maintained separately for each economic entity. The economic entities include social organizations which are together with schools, churches, districts, governments and businesses among others. This goes that, there are certain economic events that affect companies and are not easily quantified in monetary terms such as introducing a new product or hiring a new CEO. These then do not, most of the times, appear on the company’s records. Therefore, accounting records are required to be made through the use of a stable currency, for instance, the US uses dollars. This principle requires that, a full disclosure should be made on the financial statements of a company’s finances or assets pending lawsuit, incomplete transactions of a company, or any other important financial information about the company. In this case, footnotes should be used to supplement financial statements in order to convey such kind of information. This requires that, artificial time should be used to record and report the results of the activities of a business. This artificial time normally leads to questions on when certain transactions should be recorded. The accountants then use the GAAP to record and report the established accounting period of transaction. This principle

The Truth Behind Lies Essay Example for Free

The Truth Behind Lies Essay September 11, 2001 is the most tragic day in Americas history. These attacks were a series of United Airlines plane hijackings by Al-Qaeda radicals. Two planes hit the twin towers, one hit the pentagon, and another was aimed to hit either the White House or Capital Building but was crashed prematurely. Although the death count is not an exact number, it is estimated to be around three thousand people. There are many conspiracies surrounding this tragic event, which claim this attack was not one committed by terrorists, but by the United States government. Motifs for a staged attack would be to justify the invasion of Middle Eastern countries for geostrategic reasons. Healthy skepticism is expected when an event of this magnitude occurs but to completely put this off as an inside job is simply naà ¯ve. September 11, 2001 was a terrorist attack planned by radical leader, Osama Bin Laden, not a conspiracy by Americas government, and there is plenty of information to prove it. Conspiracy theorists make rash claims and provide their listeners with half facts when the entire truth has been unveiled. They lack credibility and see only what they wish to see while ignoring the blatantly obvious facts that are right in front of them. Many reasons have been given as to why this was an inside job, such as a lack of debris found at the crash site of Flight 93. Others say that jet fuel does not burn hot enough to melt the steel structures of the twin towers, and multiple explosions were heard and reported by those inside the buildings. Building 7 of the World Trade center was what many conspirators focused on. They stated that the building was demolished and that its lower supports had bombs planted on them that caused  the building to go down rather than fires created by debris from the two initial attacks. Another argument is that the hole in the pentagon, created by Flight 77, was much too small for an airliner to make and rather missiles were shot into the building. The reasons given for these attacks are clear; Countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan are rich in oil and all the United States government needed was a reason to invade. Of course all of these theories can be disproven when facts are brought to the table. Flight 93, on the date September 11, 2001 was a quarter full having forty four people on board including four suspected hijackers. The plane was a Boeing 757-222 on route from Newark International Airport to San Francisco International Airport in California (The Crash of Flight 93, 2). The Twin Towers were first hit at 8:46 AM Eastern Time (Flight 93, 4). At 9:23 the pilots of Flight 93 received a transmission warning of possible cock pit intrusion, and, at 9:26, forty minutes into the flight, three passengers put on headbands, stormed the cock pick, an took control of the plane (Flight 93, 6). Passengers were made aware of the hijacking, of what was happening in New York, and began calling loved ones to say good bye. They bravely made the decision to stop what was happening, overwhelm the hijackers, and crash the massive plane. The plane crashed head on going around five hundred miles per hour, into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania (Flight 93, 12). Conspiracy theorists argue that much too little debris was recovered from the crash site for a plane of that size to have hit. In the past when planes crash, debris is scattered everywhere but, in the case of Flight 93, there was very little debris to be seen. This is because most planes attempt to crash-land when a plane malfunctions, scattering debris all around. Due to the angle and amplitude the plane hit the ground at, the engine and black boxes were buried fifteen to twenty five feet underground, and were not discovered until weeks after. Other debris was found scattered up to eight miles from the initial crash zone (Flight 93, 29). Continuing, the twin towers supports were made from A36 steel, varying between four inches thick at the base, and a quarter inch thick at the top (Franco, 2). Jet fuel has a maximum burning temperature of 825 degrees Celsius and theorists have stated that jet fuel does not burn hot enough to  melt steel which has a melting point of 1,370 degrees Celsius (Kross, 1). While the steel was not melted, it became soft at 538 degrees Celsius (Kross, 3), and weakened to the point of being unable to support the 500,000 ton structure. Therefore, it is proven that burning jet fuel was the cause of the buildings collapse; not the explosions that were reported at the base of the building. No actual evidence has ever been found of any explosions separate to those made by the planes. These buildings were not systematically demolished, but rather taken down by the planes that crashed into them, just as was reported. Building seven of the World Trade Center (which was separate from the Twin Towers) also has controversy surrounding it. It is believed by conspirators that bombs were planted at the base of the building and that is what caused it to fall, this has no truth to it whatsoever and no evidence was found of any bombs. Building seven was only 400 feet away from the 1,300 foot Tower that was collapsing. As the Tower peeled open, a perimeter column fell creating a gaping twenty story hole in the building, and igniting numerous fires throughout (Benson, 35). Firefighters were preparing to enter the building when they were ordered to abandon it (Benson, 39), its collapse was imminent at that point. Conspirators argue that Building 7 should have collapsed to the side and not straight down like a building does when being demolished. Of course it collapsed straight down! It was a fifty story building made up of separate pieces instead of one solid building, just like the Towers (Benson, 60). This evidence further proves that anybody who believes the government is responsible for September 11, 2001 is drawing a story around the truth like a child drawing around their hand. The final piece of evidence that these theorists use it that the hole Flight 77 made in the pentagon was much too small for a plane to make, and there was too little wreckage from the plane recovered. French Author, Thierry Mason, concludes that the pentagon was not struck by a plane, but by a satellite guided missile, part of an elaborate United States Military coup. Mason argues that a 757 airliner has a wingspan of 125 feet, why was the hole only measured to be seventy five feet (The Pentagon, 24)? The truth is, a real jet does not punch a cartoon like outline of itself when hitting a  reinforced concrete fortress. The planes wing scraped the ground prior to full impact and the other was sheared off by the pentagons blast resistant columns (The Pentagon, 36). There was absolutely no lack of debris found either. Black boxes were found, engines were found, pieces of plane with United Airlines markings were found (The Pentagon, 97)! All of the claims made by conspirators lack one c rucial thing, any truth whatsoever. September 11, 2001 was a truly tragic event in our nations history and those who lost their lives will be remembered. It is disrespectful for conspiracy theorist to make such rash and absurd claims that the United States Government is responsible for their deaths. Conspiracy theorists have no actual hard evidence that anything they say is true and are simply telling lies on lies with a speckle of truth in between. If one was to look at the credibility of theorists such as those who produced the film Loose Change, a film attempting to persuade that September 11, 2001 was a government conspiracy, may second guess believing a word they say. It is important to educate ones self and not believe everything that is said like a child does. Look at the real proven facts and evidence and the answer will be apparent.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The prophet muhammad and the environment

The prophet muhammad and the environment As inhabitants of this world, human beings are constantly interacting with our environment and the outcome is that the environment is changing. Now it seems beyond neither the human control nor even the measurement of modern technologies. The environmental protection agencies, enormous institutions, organizations and ecologists all over the world are making their maximum attempt to preserve the environment; but unfortunately the environment degenerates day by day to a horrible state. The whole world is under the threat of Global Warming and Ozone Depletion. What Causes Global Warming And Ozone Depletion? Scientists have determined that a number of human activities are contributing to global warming by adding excessive amount of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide accumulate in the atmosphere and trap heats which may gradually exit in to outer space. Scientists tell that Deforestation is the very significant source of greenhouse gases because when the trees are fewer in number, there is less carbon dioxide conversion to the oxygen. Human use of fossil fuels is also the source of excess greenhouse gases. When the greenhouse gases grow, more heat will be trapped in the atmosphere and get less back to the space. Because of these, the climate changes and the weather structure alters which definitely hastens species extinction and adversely affects the length of seasons worldwide. It will cause the coastal flooding and lead to more frequent and severe storms too. According to the current statistics, since 1970 more than 30 per cent of natural species have been destroyed. Consumption of natural resources and carbon dioxide emissions have both doubled over the last 40 years and continue to grow at an increased rate. Most of the countries have projected to lose more than 10 per cent of their forests over the next few years. Toxic chemicals which are mostly the emissions from the industrial sectors are widespread in the environment and about 10 per cent disease is caused by environmental pollution. The natural calamities like flood, earthquake, tsunami, and storm have increased unparalleled in history. Most of the world regions are counted to be the earthquake or other calamities prone areas. Epidemic diseases like AIDS, SARS, Bird flue dominate one by the other over the public health. Even though the hospitals, medical institutions and medical colleges numerically increase they all become mute spectator to the steady deterioration of public heal th. The death caused by this kind of disastrous epidemic diseases increase in a horrible situation. A build-up of man-made chemicals in the atmosphere causes ozone depletion. The main chemical is CFCs (Chlorofluro carbon) that are used in refrigerants and aerosol spray propellants. CFCs are easy to store, chemically stable and non- flammable; hence they float in the atmosphere. They rise for about 8 years until they reach the ozone layer and they will be broken at there by large amount of ultraviolet radiation. CFCs contain one Fluorine atom, one Carbon and three Chlorine atoms. When ultraviolet radiation and CFCs work chemically the Chlorine atom is free and it can continue to destroy 100,000 of ozone molecules. If the atmosphere is cold the effect will be too worse. Scientists could find out that it has been very cold in the stratosphere in the last few years. Modern aircrafts transportation and supersonic airplanes also contribute to ozone depletion by putting some toxic chemicals in to the atmosphere. Another man-made chemical, which also causes ozone depletion, is methyl bromi de. It has been used in many different pesticide applications since 1932. It is regarded to be 50 times more destructive to the ozone layer than CFCs. Many A Mischief Done By Men: The Holy Quran undoubtedly points out:- â€Å"Mischief has appeared on land and sea because of that the hands of men earned† (30: 41) Here the Holy Quran warns men that if they trespass on and overexploit land and water the overall outcome would be too unfavourable. Imam Fakru Rrazi narrates this quranic verse as:- â€Å"The epidemic infections, draughts, flood etc are meant by the usage of Holy Quran ‘Fasad i.e. mischief has appeared on land and sea† (Thafseerul Kubra) So the increasing natural calamities must be the requital and outcome of mens activities of misusing the natural resources. The creation of Almighty GOD Allah is perfect. Allah says: â€Å"You can see no fault in the creations of the most beneficent. Then look again. Can you see any rifts† (67: 3) So the Holy Quran asserts that whatever the change the nature turns to is not its own, but the results of mens activities. Prophetic Jurisprudence Of Environmental Protection: The Almighty GOD Allah has created every thing in this universe in due proportion. No one can find out any faults in Allahs creation. All the creatures from the tiny microbes to large living animals and all the materials from tiny particles of molecules to the largest galaxies are in due measure both quantitatively and qualitatively. The whole universe is open to men to use for his benefits but not to misuse or trespass natural rules. This Islamic basic concept toward the environment is revealed by this Quranic verse:- â€Å"Have you not seen that God is glorified by all in the heavens and on the earth such as the birds with wings outspread? Each knows its worship and glorification, and God is aware of what they do†. (An-Noor 24: 41) The Holy Quran says: â€Å"There is not an animal in the earth, or a flying creature flying on two wings, but they are communities like you; We have neglected nothing in the book; Then unto their Lord they will be gathered† (Al- An-aam- 6: 38) This Quranic verse describes that Allah did not miss any thing that is important for a meaningful existence. All the living organisms in the environment, they are also communities like human beings having the right of life in this earth. So, the basic and first concept of Prophetic Teaching towards environment is that all the living and non-living things in the earth are created by GOD in due proportion and divine object. All other living beings are as communities as human beings, so they also have the right to live in this environment. Secondly, Islam gives men the right to use the natural recourses for his use. The Holy Quran says: He Who has spread out the earth for you and threaded roads for you therein and has sent down water from the sky: With it have We brought forth diverse kinds of vegetation. Eat and pasture your cattle; verily, in this are signs for men endued with understanding. (Surathu Twaha- 20: 53) According to this verse the environment including of all its living and non living creatues are created by God for mens benefits only. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has taught that earth is subservient to man, but it should not be misused, overexploited or abused. This is the third concept of Prophetic teachings towards environment. This concept basically forms environmental protection or solution to the environmental problems. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: â€Å"The earth has been created for me as a mosque and a means of purification† (Swaheehul Bukhari- 1: 331) Land and water that are created by God in due proportion for the benefits of men must be regarded to be sacred. Prophet Muhammad (s) emphasizes that earth is not only a pure entity but purifying agent also. By informing men that the earth is sacred land, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) teaches men to keep the land always clean and tidy. Environmental Cleaning: One of the reasons for global warming is that the environment is being treated as dump for waste disposal. And as a result pollution is increased everywhere. Land, water and air have been polluted with toxic or non toxic hazardous waste from the towns, buildings, factories and houses. The land, air, rivers and seas provide dumping grounds for the waste, which can be environmentally too harmful. The environment is able to absorb some types waste up to certain levels of emissions. Beyond that level environmental pollution is likely to accelerate. As wastes grow, so environmental degradation is also most likely to grow at a faster rate. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH0 had put forward a preventive measure for the environmental protection, that is complete cleanliness of nature. Allah says in Holy Quran: â€Å"Verily, Allah loves those who turn to him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean.† ( 2: 222). Islam makes purification a responsibility of men. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH0 has taught: â€Å"Purification is half part of Islamic belief† (Swaheehu Muslim: H.No: 432) Prophet Muhammad(s) mentioned purification in general, which includes the purification of body internally and externally and his environment also. All kinds of purification are the responsibilities of true believers. According to this Hadeeth, Islamic belief (Eeman) of a person can not be regarded to be perfect without due cleanliness in his body and surroundings too. Purifying human bodies by ablution or ritual bathing benefit him to prevent many infections that are caused by virus or bacteria. Purifying the nature prevents environmental pollution. Responsibility Of Environment: Who has the responsibility of the environment? Is the God responsible for it? Or the environment itself is responsible? Or those who have the right to use all natural resources for their use are responsible? Definitely, according to Islamic concept, those who are living and use the nature are responsible for nature. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has taught: â€Å"Every one of you is guardian and will be asked about his subject† (Swaheehu Muslim) Prophet Muhammad (s) was very strict that men should handle every thing on this earth with extra care. If man is much aware of his responsibility of environment, he cannot disfigure and spoil the resources available in the nature. The Prophet was becoming increasingly sensitive when he was traveling with his Swahaba and he was telling â€Å"Do not encroach on the trucks on the habitats of these wild beasts and animals, you are to share the earth with them† Overexploiting Natural Resources: Another reason for the global warming and all other environmental problems is that men overexploit the natural resources. Allah the Almighty has taught in Holy Quran obviously that the earth and resources are for the benefits of men, but it should not be overexploited. The land provides us food, mines, quarries and oil wells provide us with fuels and raw materials, forests provide us wood, and seas provide us with fish. Allah has given the right to extract raw materials for production process and to cultivate crops, vegetables and fruits for mens use, but the same time He has prevented men to use these resources by extravagance. This Islamic rule also forms as a preventive measure for the environmental problems. The Almighty Allah says: And it is He Who produces gardens trellised and untrellised, and datepalms, and crops of different shape and taste (its fruits and its seeds) and olives, and pomegranates, similar (in kind) and different (in taste). Eat of their fruit when they ripen, but pay the due thereof on the day of its harvest, and waste not by extravagance. Verily, He likes not Al-Musrifoon (those who waste by extravagance)†. (Al-Anaam -6:41) Allah says in another verse in the similar meaning: O Children of Adam! Take your adornment while praying and going round the Kabah, and eat and drink but waste not by extravagance, certainly He (Allah) does not like Al-Musrifoon (those who waste by extravagance).† (Al-Araf- 7:31) These Quranic verses clearly encourages men to use several fruits, crops and other natural resources and prohibits men to waste there of. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has told that Allah hates extravagance. â€Å"Narrated Ash-shabi: Al mugheera wrote; â€Å"I heard the Prophet saying: Allah has hated three things: 1- vain talks that you talk too much or about others. 2 Wasting of wealth by extravagance, 3- and asking too many questions† (Muslim H no: 591) Conservation of water: Water is a gift from God and source of all life in earth. Conservation of this vital element is very important to the preservation and existence of life in its various forms. The Holy Quran points out: â€Å"And We have made from water every living thing.† (21:30) â€Å"Consider the water which you drink, Was it you that brought it down from the rain cloud or We? If We had pleased, we could make it bitter† (56: 68- 70) â€Å"And we caused rain to descend on you from heaven to cleanse you therewith† Allah reminds men the value of water through these verses. Allah has made the use of water a common right of all creatures. So all living and non living creatures are entitled to use and share it without monopoly, wastage, extravagance and despoilment. Prophet Muhammad (s) lived in the desert environment where water was very synonymous to life. Though the two third of the globe is filled with water many regions, countries and communities all over the world are suffering from the lack of water. The water levels in rivers go down so as a result the water level in the nearby wells goes down and people face the difficulty to get the water both for their life and multinational purposes. Narrated Jabir (R): Prophet Muhammad (s) has prohibited passing urine in stagnant water† (Swaheehu Muslim, Riyalu Sswalheen: H.No: 1772) Prophet Muhammad (S) strictly prohibits taking more water than necessary. Making ablution by washing more than three times is considered as ‘Karaha i.e. discouraged by Islam. Even if you are making ablution from a large water reservoir, or from a flowing spring or near to river you must not take water to wash a particular part of body more than three times. Prophet Muhammad (s) perceives it as extravagance. Any human activity that impairs the structural and biological smooth functioning of water, whether by misusing or lavishing or polluting it with urine or any other dirty substances is really against the Prophetic law of preserving environment. The root cause of environmental problems is the reckless behavior of men by polluting the nature that would definitely make it unsuitable for his use. So man is baited against man. The Prophetic teachings not to pass urine in stagnant water and to lavish drops of water even for making ablution ultimately form a splendid methodology to preserve the water; that all other ecologists, scientists, and environmental protection agencies have been seeking for a methodology theoretically sufficient and pragmatically effective to preserve the environment. Treatment of Animals: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) believed that animals, as indispensable part of the environment, should be treated with dignity and respect that they deserve. He had considered camels and horses courageous companions during his journeys and battles. So prophetic teaching basically has enjoined up on men right environmental relation ship with animals. It is not allowed in Islam to kill animals except for food, but in some cases only some animals can be killed when they endanger the human life. Islam allows hunting but it must be for the necessity. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) could not put up with unnecessary hunting of any animals. Ibnu Masood said: We were traveling with Prophet Muhammad (s), when he left us for while we could see a bird with its two chicks and we too the chicks. Then the mother bird started spreading its wings. When Prophet(S) came and saw this, he said â€Å"who caused her to take away her two children, return her two children to her† (Bukhari Muslim) Prophet Muhammad(s), more than any other ecologist, has realized the feelings of relation between mother and children birds; that is why he reacted when he saw the feelings of mother bird. Narrated Hisham bin Zaid: Anas and I went to Al-Hakam bin Aiyub. Anas saw some boys shooting at a tied hen. Anas said, The Prophet has forbidden the shooting of tied or confined animals. (Swaheehul Bukhari- Book 67, Hadith 421) Another Hadeeth: Narrated Ibn Umar: that he entered upon Yahya bin Said while one of Yahyas sons was aiming at a hen after tying it. Ibn Umar walked to it and untied it. then he brought it and the boy and said. Prevent your boys from tying the birds for the sake of killing them, as I have heard the Prophet forbidding the killing of an animal or other living thing after tying them. (Swaheehul Bukhari- Book 67, Hadith 422) Prophet Muhammad (s) has prohibited killing some animals: â€Å"Narrated Abdulla Bin Abbas: The Prophet Muhammad (s) prohibited to kill four creatures: ants, bees, hoopoes, and sparrow hawks†. (Sunan Aboo Davud- H. No: 5247) Prophet Muhammad (s) teaches that there would be a reward for from Allah for serving any animals. Narrated Abu Huraira: Allahs Apostle said, While a man was walking on a road. he became very thirsty. Then he came across a well, got down into it, drank (of its water) and then came out. Meanwhile he saw a dog panting and licking mud because of excessive thirst. the man said to himself This dog is suffering from the same state of thirst as I did. So he went down the well (again) and filled his shoe (with water) and held it in his mouth and watered the dog. Allah thanked him for that deed and forgave him. the people asked, O Allahs Apostle! Is there a reward for us in serving the animals? He said, (Yes) there is a reward for serving any animate (living being). (Swaheehul Bukhari book73, Hadith 38) This Hadeeth gives us unique lesson. He understands the thirst of dog and tells that it also has the same set of thirst I had. The way that he has poured the water in to dogs mouth is certainly a unique one that we can not see same sort of way to deal with any animals any where in the history nor in the modern practices of preserving nature. Narrated by Ahmad: â€Å"If you kill a sparrow senselessly, it will hasten to God on the Day of Judgment, and it will say: Oh Lord so and so killed me for play not for use† (Mishakathul Masabeeh) These Prophetic words reflect the reverence, respect and great love to the animals. According to Prophetic teachings, killing an animal without giving food, drinks, or even by disturbing it will cause a man to go to Hellfire. â€Å"Narrated Ibnu Umar: Prophet Muhammad (s) said- A woman she tied a cat has gone to Hellfire; she neither fed it nor allowed it to find food of its own†. (Bukhari Muslim, Riyalussaliheen- H.No: 1600) Through these Hadeeths, Prophet Muhammad (s) prohibited killing or disturbing any animals. He orders men to be kind towards all living beings in the earth. â€Å"Allah, the great and omnipotent, will do his mercy to those who do their mercy (towards the living beings in the earth). So do mercy to every living being in the earth, then Allah and his angels will do the mercy towards you† (Bukhari Muslim) This is a broad concept of treating the animals. Whatever men can do to treat and protect animals, that are considered to be mercy and Allah will give his rewards for that. Not only physical harm to animals but insulting or cursing animals is also prohibited by Prophet Muhammad (s). â€Å"Imran bin. Husain reported: We were with Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) in some of his journeys and there was a woman from the Ansar riding a she-camel that it shied and she invoked curse upon that. Allahs Messenger (May peace be upon him) heard it and said: unload that and set it free for it is accursed. Imran said: I still perceive that (dromedary) walking amongst people and none taking any notice of that. (Swaheehu Muslim: Hadith.No: 6276). This prophetic concept not to curse or insult an animal is almost very humane perspective. According to Quranic lesson a human must not curse another human, this is because the dignity and respect of the men are highly considered. Similarly, the indispensable role of animals in this environment is something great and they too perform their functions in the nature. As they do their role in here, they also deserve their dignity. So any animal must not be cursed. In Islam, to slaughter an animal Muslims have to use sharp knife in order to save the animal the pain associated with the use of an object. Prophet Muhammad (s) used to tell his companions: â€Å"Shaddid bin. Aus said: Two are the things which I remember Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) having said: Verily Allah has enjoined goodness to everything; so when you kill, kill in a good way and when you slaughter, slaughter in a good way. So every one of you should sharpen his knife, and let the slaughtered animal die comfortably. (Swaheehu Muslim:, Hadith 4810). Prophet Muhammad (S) teaches Muslims to consider the psyche of an animal to be slaughtered. The hadeeth usage â€Å"And let the slaughtered animal die comfortably† is almost a very natural perspective toward the pain and sufferings of an animal. Prophet Muhammad (s0 has shown great sensitivity and gentleness. Throughout his life, many hadeeths and incidents obviously show that He was extremely sensitive toward the sufferings of animals. That is why he recommended using sharp blades and an easy method in order to the animal can die quickly with as little pain as possible. He has also prohibited slaughtering an animal in the presence of another animal and sharpening the blade in the witness of the animal which is to be slaughtered. If you let the animals witness the sharpening of your blades, according to Prophetic teachings, it is almost similar to slaughter the same animal twice. â€Å"Ibnu Abbas reported: A man has kept a sheep laid down while he was sharpening his blade. Then the Prophet told: Would you like it to die twice? Why didnt you sharpen your blade before lying it down?† No other religions, isms or any other social leaders too can put forward this kind of noble ideology of extreme sensitivity to the feelings and sufferings of an animal. In short, prophetic environmental teachings recommend to consider the animals as indispensable part of ecology. So it must get the dignity and respect that it deserves. Men must be sensitive an all dealings with animals, no matter whether it is to be slaughtered or not. Through his example of sharpening knife in front of animals He teaches men to consider the feelings of animals. If had practiced the Prophetic ideology to protect the environment through preserving animals, we would have overcome the horrible situation of global warming and all other environmental degradation up to an extent. ‘Planting a tree: Plants are an integral part of the environment. One of the reason for global warming and other environmental problems is that the plants have been lost all over the world due to human activities and as a result carbon dioxide absorption has been decreased more than 30 per cent within the last 50 years. â€Å"If you have a means to plant a tree, start digging† is the instruction presently given by the ecologists to preserve the nature. Plants Absorb carbon dioxide and give off the oxygen during the photosynthesis time. A single plant would be able to absorb one ton of carbon dioxide approximately during its life time. Many an infections and disastrous diseases too are becoming increasingly widespread very faster than ever before because of that a large amount of poisonous carbon dioxide is left in the atmosphere unabsorbed. This will adversely affect the immunity of the human body also. Those who leave no stone unturned in getting the environment preserved can really appreciate the greatness of prophetic teaching of â€Å" plant a tree†. Jabir (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Never a Muslim plants a tree, but he has the reward of charity for him, for what is eaten out of that is charity; what is stolen out of that, what the beasts eat out of that, what the birds eat out of that is charity for him. (In short) none incurs a los! k to him but it becomes a charity on his part. (Swaheehu Musli- Hadith No:3764) Another hadeeth: Jabir bin . Abdullah (Allah be pleased with them) reported: I heard Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) saying: Never does a Muslim plant, or cultivate, but has reward for him for what the beasts eat, or the birds eat or anything else eats out of that. (Muslim Hadith no:3766) This holy Hadeeths not only comprise of the vital important of planting a tree, but also the very structural and biological inter relation of plants, birds, human and other animals. In the second Hadeeth, the usage â€Å"to cultivate† is very important regarding with the preservation of all kinds of cultivations. According to the meaning of this Hadeeth, who ever does some thing to preserve the environment, he will certainly get the charitable reward from the creator of environment. Planting a tree is not only benefited for contributing fruits or seeds but for the carbon dioxide absorption also, which in turn purifies the whole living atmosphere. Prophet Muhammad (s) prohibits cutting and destroying trees. â€Å"Narrated Hassan ibn Ibrahim: I asked Hisham ibn Urwah about the cutting of a lote-tree when he was leaning against the house of Urwah. He said: Do you not see these doors and leaves? These were made of the lote-tree of Urwah which Urwah used to cut from his hand? He said: There is no harm in it. Humayds version adds: You have brought an innovation, O Iraqi! He said: The innovation is from you. I heard someone say at Mecca: The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) cursed him who cuts a lote-tree(without justification). He then mentioned the rest of the tradition to the same effect. (Sunan Abudavud: Hadith No:5221) Another hadeeth can be read like this: â€Å"he who cuts a lote-tree (without justification), God will send him to Hellfire†. Those people who cut the trees just for some celebrations and festivals, those countries that destroy forests for the sake of competing development, and those institutions and industries that wipe out plants for their temporary purposes must think about the prophetic teachings of environmental protection. They must understand that what ever they are doing for the sake of industrialization will finally turn to be harmful to their own development. Dont contribute to your own destruction: Allah the almighty says: â€Å"Dont make your own hands contribute to your own destruction, but do good only, for Allah loves those who do good† (Holy Quran- 2: 195) Through this verse Allah prohibits men doing any activity which in turn will contribute to his own destruction. Researchers could find out that about 80 percent of tobacco users will get cancer or some other diseases. Islamic scholars then have given the Fathwa that tobacco consumption is prohibited in Islam according to this verse. Same is the case with environment also. Allah prohibits men destroying animals and plants, and polluting water, land and air through this verse. Because these all can contribute to the destruction of human being as well as the environment. PROPHETIC TEACHINGS AS ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS: Prophet is the pioneer of environmental preservation. The words like ‘conservation of water, ‘ecology, ‘environmental awareness, ‘sustainability etc can be seen in many Quranic verses and Holy Hadeeths. He taught that the natural resources are created by God Allah for mens use. The same time, men dont have any right to overexploit or misuse these natural resources. One of the reasons for environmental problem is that the scarce resources of nature are overexploited. Industrialization has done a major role in this. Prophetic lesson only can solve these problems. Whoever extracts raw materials, oils, and mines, who ever cultivate vegetables and fruits and who ever take water and all must be aware of prophetic environmental ethics that it should not be misused or rather overexploited. This is the only way to protect our limited natural resources. Secondly, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has given the responsibility of environment to men. He will be asked about his nature also. We can not see this seldom explored ideology in any other religions or scientific books. If men had thought about his responsibility of all the living and non-living creatures in his surroundings, most of the species would have had lived here and the whole environment itself would have left tidy and suitable to use. Prophet Muhammad (s) had taught not to pollute water, air and land. He also had taught the way how to treat animals and to plant trees as many as possible. From these noble environmental ethics, we can realize Prophet as a great ecologist, scientist and pioneer of environmental protection when scientific outfits and innovations were nothing. Hence, those who spend a lot for environmental protection must take into account the noble ethics of prophet Muhammad(PBUH), and do the best to be practiced every where. The whole ecological harmony and biological relations that the prophet Muhammad (S) advocated between human and his nature has today almost lost. As the whole world is under the great threats of many kinds of natural calamities and these are basically caused by pollution, over exploitation, desertification, animals destruction and deforestation, it is the exact time for the whole world community to think about it seriously and find out the best effective environmental ethics to b e practiced. Definitely the sound and effective environmental ethics are lying in the noble teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). So, let the world community as a whole take a leaf out of the Hadeeths and find out the solutions for current environmental crisis. References: 1- Holy Quran 2- Swaheehul Bukhari 3- Waheehu Muslim 4- Sunan Aboo Davud 5- Mishakathul Masabeeh 6- Riyalu swaliheen 7- Complete Biology/ W.R Pickering/ Oxford 8- Biology in Action/ Poole, Pikley, Johnson/ HBJ 9- The Facts on File Dictionary of Biology/ Elizabeth Tootil/ Oxford 10- Islamic Sciences/ S.Waqar Ahmed Hussain/ Good word Books 11- Muhammad A Mercy to all Nations/ Al Hajj Qasim Ali Jairazzbhoy 12- Economics/ john Sloman/ fifth edition/ prentice Hall 13-

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

Srijana Chhetri Mr. Wesney Honors World History Dec.18, 2013 Industrial Revolution in England The Industrial Revolution began in England towards the late 17th century. It started in the United Kingdom and was driven by a technology system based on water power and steam engines, cotton, textiles, ironworking, river transport, and canals. These inventions made it possible to send heavy commodities such as coal, iron, wool, grain and so forth from one end of the world to another (Henderson 1, The Industrial... 1815-1914). Inventors of new machines were honored and inventions of new technology were encouraged during this time period. Ordinary working people found increased opportunities for work within the new mills and factories, but these were always accompanied by strict working conditions with long hours of labor, and often involved young children and women. The Industrial Revolution replaced an economy based on agriculture with one based on industry and manufacturing. One of the most important changes was the continuous expansion of the population and the economy. Most obse rvers in the 18th century did not believe that expansion of the population and the economy could be sustained indefinitely. Thomas Malthus argued that population naturally grows faster than the food supply, and, therefore, malnutrition, famine, and disease would correct the imbalance (Trebilcock 397-398). However, this did not take place because of the continued expansion of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution also gave an advantage to the government because the states in Europe issued tariffs to gain money, and as big companies emerged, they were required to register with the government and publish an annual budget. The societies during this ... ...e to the lack of better medicines. We could still be using subsistence agriculture to feed our family rather than commercial agriculture. Every human being on this earth should appreciate the fact that this event occurred because it has made their life so much easier and better compared to the life before the pre- industrial time. Even if some other huge revolution had occurred, instead of the Industrial Revolution, it would never be able to bring the same impact that this revolution was able to bring. The Industrial Revolution allowed people to save time with the new inventions, and also created more interactions in the global world with trade. There is no doubt that it was one of the most influential time periods of human history and most responsible for propelling society into the modern economies that we still have in place today.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Vandalism :: essays research papers

A problem that occurs in most states is vandalism. Vandalism is a growing national problem. Last year this senseless crime cost United States Citizens over one billion dollars. Vandalism is a problem that gets to everyone in some form or another. It can affect your family, friends, property, community, and your pocketbook. The more you know about vandalism, the more you can make it a crime that is more trouble than it's worth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Over one half of all the crimes associated with vandalism occurs in high schools. There is no typical vandal. Vandals can be good or bad students, girls or boys, whites or blacks, rich or poor. The largest age group arrested for vandalism is between 13 and 14. However, children as young six and seven vandalize schools and park areas. Teenagers with growing-up problems act destructively by destroying vehicles, spray-painting graffiti on public places, etc. Older youths often commit more serious acts such as damaging vehicles or machinery, burglary, arson or theft.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although most vandals do not have a clear motive for their acts, studies show that basic social problems and attitudes are at the root of the vandalism. Among the many explanations for the crime are anger against society, boredom, drug and alcohol abuse, disciplinary problems, personal problems and racial/political conflicts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Police, fire and emergency services are affected by increased workloads and false alarms. Also, facilities, such as parks and public rest rooms which everyone in the community uses, become vandalized. Vandalism affects your pocketbook too. People pay their taxes for a reason, to build a better community for the future generation. When the community is vandalized, the people are the ones who have to pay for someone else’s damage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Vandalism is still and will always be a growing problem unless we do something about it. We need to keep our kids off the streets, make sure you educate them about vandalism by telling then that is wrong and can lead to prison. Also be aware of who your kids are hanging out with, give them enough attention and love as much as discipline and also encourage activities outside of school.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mountain Dew

To gain the market share in the urban centers, it would be interesting to see how Mountain Dew differentiate the product from the competition and whether the benefits of the reduce are communicated effectively using the right channels and propose a redesign of the marketing campaign that could have a universal appeal. According to Finch (2012), the deployment of advertising and other promotional resources for a given brand is dependent upon the strategic goals for market segmentation, product differentiation, and positioning.The current market for Mountain Dew is comprised of 70 percent of white soda drinkers and the marketing would expand their product awareness among young African Americans and Latino In the urban centers. As a marketing campaign, Mountain Dew had endorsed hip-hop singer Oil Wayne to tract the teens and youth In ass because this age group more Inclined towards help- hop (Stanford, 2012).According to the author of the article, Mountain Dew Wants Some Street Creed, 4 5 percent of the energetic caffeine-laced sugary drink is sold in the gas stations and convenience store, endorsing Mexican-American professional skateboarder Paul Rodriguez is a good move. Teens go to the nearest store on their skateboard could relate to P-Rod and would be influenced to purchase Mountain Dew because their favorite star is appealing to them to be have Mountain Dew. Brett O'Brien is targeting the right market segment, which are teens and young adults in ass by strategically endorsing youth stars including Country star Jason Alden.The marketing strategy Is right on the money because the present youth might become loyal to the brand and the future youth would grow watching the present youth drinking Mountain Dew to quench their thirst. Therefore, targeting young audience Is profitable strategy for Mountain Dew In the short and long run. Mountain Dew has differentiated its product from the competitors. Firstly, the green colored drink is cadged in green bottles and cans make Mountain Dew to be easily identifiable. Secondly, PepsiCo had collaborated with Complex Media to advertise its biggest soft- drink brand, Mountain Dew, on a new Web site, Green-Label. Mom (Elliott, 2013). Thirdly, PepsiCo is committed to market its most profitable brand, Mountain Dew, among the diverse younger generation by including famous artists, which could build brand awareness. Recently, Mountain Dew had invited consumers to shoot a promotional ad called Tweezed with Grammar winner (Stanford, 2012). Lastly, the TV advertisements of Mountain Dew such as â€Å"Yahoo! Mountain Dew! â€Å", Shore at shooting†, and â€Å"This Is How We Dew† differentiate Mountain Dew as a high profile brand In PepsiCo portfolio.Mountain Dew is eyeing on capturing market share In the urban centers and the Southern US border stretching from California to Louisiana (Stanford, 2012). This could be done by wooing the potential young consumers rather than no benefits of the soft drin k, therefore, the marketing team of Mountain Dew had made efforts not add any benefits in their advertisement. However, the commercials of Oil Wayne and P-Rod are designed to communicate the Dew message that â€Å"they ill be able to do what they do with energy† in the new markets said Brett O'Brien (Stanford, 2012).Mountain Dew could explore some opportunities to redesign the promotional campaign to appeal to the larger audience at once. FIFE world cup is coming soon. Mountain Dew could partner with international soccer players from Mexico to woo young Latino and endorse African American foot ball players to attract young blacks. According to Elliott (2013), Mountain Dew had spent $108 million dollars on advertisement in major media in last five years in addition to endorsement deals. Considering this marketing cost, a thought of creating a Mountain Dew Anthem by including all the stars from diverse backgrounds would appeal the masses.This will create a brand image of Mounta in Dew not within US borders but in foreign markets as well. The forthcoming FIFE world cup will be watched throughout the world; therefore, it is an excellent opportunity for Mountain Dew to advertise its brand using the mainstream media, which is television and radio. Social media such as Backbone and Youth are effective means of communicating the message the Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew is a leading brand of PepsiCo and the marketing team is designing campaign to regain the lost share and attract young African Americans and Latino in the urban centers.The marketing strategy of Mountain Dew to endorse various stars from different backgrounds is a good strategy to appeal the teens and young adults in ass. If Mountain Dew could adopt the proposed strategy to create a Mountain Dew Anthem by integrating variety of domestic and international celebrities, it will appeal the entire younger generation at once. Big screen television is in great demand throughout the world. LCD, LED, and Plas ma TV's fall into the category of big screen TV's. The product that I would like to introduce into the market is DTV.A TV that will not only display a picture but also gives an experience of AD effect at home. There is huge market in the developed countries and the emerging economies, which will appreciate a AD TV in the living room and/or bedroom. The reason I want to develop and launch a AD TV is that it does not exist in the market. The current products available are LCD, Plasma, and a recent addition of LED technology. Many manufacturers does offer a AD feature which be enjoyed with AD glasses. Without AD glasses, a TV will be a regular TV. My product would not require glasses for consumers to wear.Consumers can bring the experience of AD movie theatres and AD theme parks at home. This product will benefit all ages. Watching a movie at home in AD would bring a revolution in the industry. For example, imagine a family is watching Avatar or Star War movies at home in AD and does n ot need to go to IMAX theatre. Children would be able to feel their favorite cartoon characters right next to them. There is one huge market segment that would be benefited with AD TV is video games lover. It would be Jaw-dropping moment for hem when they will find out that their favorite can be played in AD environment.Obviously, video game companies need to work in this direction as well. To make and dedicated team need to put their heart and soul into this project to reach the customers with a most awaited product. It is a challenging project and the most difficulty I am facing while compiling a marketing plan is to perform a competitor's analysis. I would like to know whether Samsung, Panasonic, or Sony is in this race. What is their market position? If the competitor would be competing for the entire market or one specific market segment? What are strengths and weaknesses of the competitor?The response to these questions would be crucial for my marketing plans. In addition, I w ill be working with my team in close relation to define the strategies to implement plan with success. Additional information required to make most informed strategic decisions are SOOT analysis of my company, a primary marketing strategies required to target above mentioned market segmentations, an alternative marketing strategy, and a final (best) strategy that will implemented using up's of marketing to create a brand image. Samsung 10 changes need to be met.Ensure that customers are satisfied with the product purchased; if there is dissatisfaction Samsung must understand why and do whatever is necessary to fix the issue. Most of the more important items are ensuring sales agencies and management continually provides training for marketing staff. This will ensure he or she have the latest information about all the products. Samsung 11 Conclusion Samsung holds a great deal of the global market for AD television. A through and detailed analysis of the global AD television market ha s been detailed by Samsung. The SOOT analysis reveals industry trends, the effects of intention, and outside threats.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Bmw Swot Analysis Essay

Logo-BMW’s white-and-blue logo is recognizable worldwide, and recalls the company’s start as an aircraft engine manufacturer. It symbolizes a pilot’s view through a propeller as alternating white and blue segments. †¢Most successful multi-brand premium car manufacturer-BMW has three brands, BMW, MINI, and Rolls-Royce. They delivered 141,952 BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce automobiles in 2007 and sales increased by 7. 4% from the previous year. †¢Super luxury Rolls Royce car-The Rolls-Royce phantom holds the number one position in the super-luxury car segment. The Phantom was launched in 1993, and the final assembly, as well as all-wood and leatherwork are custom made for each customer’s individual specifications. The plant where they are produced, the Goodwood plant in England, contains only two robots to paint the space frame body; all other work is done by hand, in keeping with the Rolls-Royce tradition. †¢Spends one of the highest revenues on R;D-BMW Group employs about 8,000 people worldwide within the research ; development (R;D) network and has invested millions of dollars over the years. They employ engineers, designers, model builders, computer experts, and scientists of various disciplines FIZ co-ordinates and optimize research activities across the group to create the BMW cars of the future. †¢Brand-BMW ranked in the top 20 most recognized global brands. BMW is now the only multi-brand automaker that utilizes a pure, premium brand strategy. The objective behind this strategy is to generate higher income per vehicle on the basis of products with a high intrinsic value and a strong brand image. Their brand ranked number 15 in 2006. Longevity-Bavarian Motor Works (BMW) was formed in 1916 after two small aircraft engine manufacturers merged. In 1923, BMW began to build motorcycles, then its first car in 1928. †¢Driving School-Many manufacturers have associations with driving schools; BMW runs its own. The BMW Performance Center, adjacent to the BMW Manufacturing facility in Spartanburg, attracts owners and prospects from around the country for an ultimate br and experience. †¢Sales-BMW is one among the leading players in the premium cars segment. It achieved a record sales volume of 1,373,970 units in 2006. BMW is ranked among the ten largest car producers globally. Awards/Recognition-Reflecting BMW’s commitment to developing quality and innovative products, the company has been honored with several awards in the past. For example, BMW was presented with the ‘Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany’ in February 2006 for the BMW 6 Series Coupe and Convertible models. Presented by the German Design Council, the award was the highest official German design award. Following this, the MINI model of the company won the Golden Steering Wheel 2006 award in seven out of 15 categories, ten days ahead of its official market launch in November 2006. Formula 1-BMW won its first Formula 1 championship in 1983 using a four cylinder, 1. 5-liter production based engine. Of course it was turbocharged and could develop well over 1,000 horsepower, some say over 1,500 for short periods of time. BMW continues to field a Formula 1 team because it provides the ultimate in competition and thus the ultimate in learning for BMW. †¢Excellence through quality & innovation-BMW Group’s success is its strategic focus on developing customer-friendly innovations, coupled with an approach to innovations management that is unique within the motor industry Customize your own car-BMW has the option of seeing a sample of the car you’d like by selecting different options such as the color of interior design and exterior design, the wheels, the model etc. †¢Intelligent processes-the COSP(Customer oriented sales and production process) bases production on the customer’s customized version and not by company standards. They employ 70,000 workers in 23 different locations to build the customized cars. A customer can change or alter the options and style of the car right before it goes into production. †¢Environment-friendly-BMW considers environmental and recycling requirements. They use recycled products to build cars. They have environmental standards for all the plants throughout the world. They build cars that lower the amount of fuel consumption. †¢Superior technology and development of new products – BMW is doing this is by developing a hybrid engine as part of a global alliance. The aim of this development is known as a â€Å"two-mode† hybrid vehicle, combining a combustion engine with two electronic engines. This design is aimed towards improving the performance, fuel consumption, emissions and range of conventional hybrid vehicles. The primary goal of modern hybrid systems is to save fuel. †¢Commitment to customers – BMWs’ main goal is to focus on getting the product to the customer as quickly as possible. BMW has a program known as the â€Å"Customer oriented sales and production process. † This way, the customer is able to make any last minute changes to the equipment and accessories they’ve ordered shortly before the vehicle goes to assembly-without delaying the date of delivery. †¢Design Work – design process of building vehicles is done by California Innovation Triangle. This state of the art firm uses computers to help aid the process of design. The highlight of this facility is what the industry has begun to call â€Å"the model plate. † The model plate is a measurement system that transfers the contours of the object being scanned to computers where a 3D model is produced. The designers can then go in and make changes to the object through the computer in order to make the part as suitable for its intended use as possible. What makes this machine so rare is the size of object that can be scanned. The model plate can scan very large object, up to the size of an omnibus. With the use of this technology BMW and California Innovation Triangle are able to layout and design entire vehicles piece by piece. †¢Involvement in community – South Africa serves as good example of BMW’s social commitment. BMW works to bring change from within by enacting equality in the workface, and investing not only in the business, but also in education, healthcare and recreational facilities for employees. The factory at Rosslyn, near Pretoria, evolved from a CKD facility to serve the old South Africa, into a sophisticated facility that is now part of BMW’s international production-distribution network. This risk BMW took provided South Africa the ability to export. And in 2002, the South African factory captured the J. D. Power and Associates gold award for initial production quality. †¢Environmental commitment – BMW factories meet the demanding ISO 14001 environmental standards worldwide. This is not only true for the oldest BMW factory in the city of Munich and at 10 year old American plant in Spartanburg, South Carolina, but also with new factories in emerging and less regulated markets like Thailand and Russia. Excellence through quality & innovation-BMW Group’s success is its strategic focus on developing customer-friendly innovations, coupled with an approach to innovations management that is unique within the motor industry. From features like the twin-flat motorcycle engine, V-shaped overhead valves, and hemispherical combustion chambers introduced on the classics of the 1920s and 30s, to modern technology including ABS brakes, Xenon lights, smart airbags, the head protection system, Valvetronic and iDrive, BMW constantly reinforces its credibility as a premium manufacturer Management-Chief executive, Norbert Reithofer, who took office on September 1, will be seeking to build on the Bavarians’ global momentum. Reithofer has a brilliant track record as head of production, such as combining lean manufacturing and Japanese-like continual improvement with benchmark flexibility for a premium automaker which gives BMW a big cost advantage over leading competition and making it tough for competitors like Mercedes to gain any ground. †¢Young customer base-With the Mini and series 3, BMW has a significant dvantage of gaining younger and first time purchasers over other luxury brands. The youth market is critically important because if a young buyer chooses a particular brand for a first car, he or she is more than likely to buy others with the same name plate as they mature and move up in the market. Even though buyers in the 16-35 age category only accounted for a small percentage of overall sales it is important to gain there sales because as the old marketing principle goes it is easier to keep a customer than to gain new ones. WEAKNESSES †¢New Models-Is it really worth developing new models? It entails expenses along with shipping prices. Each day BMW is striving to produce and develop new cars to satisfy the customers. In the long run, who actually knows if these cars are going to be a big hit. The company might actually be wasting their time and money in producing a model that will not be worthwhile. When developing and producing cars it is important to decipher whether or not the car will become one that is popular on the market. †¢BMW’s heavy cost German base. -More and more competitors are shifting product development activities to lower cost countries. BMW could be forced to negotiate a way to maintain cost competitiveness and its reputation for German engineering excellence made in different countries. †¢Price-Another weakness of the BMW industry is getting the customers to buy these cars. Yes, the hybrid vehicle will save you fuel, but it will be so expensive that it might be hard trying to find customers to buy them at such a high price. Another reason the price of the vehicle is so high is because they are shipped across the United States and also come from a factory in Germany. The expenses of the vehicles and the shipping rate are two key weaknesses that many companies must work with. †¢Motorcycle Sales-The European market accounts for more than 60% of BMW’s motorcycle sales on an average. The group is heavily dependent on this region with Germany being one of the largest markets for its motorcycles business. With the demand in Germany being highly inconsistent in the past six years, this high dependence on a particular region can have an adverse effect on the company’s sales, during periods of demand stagnation in the region. For example, BMW’s motorcycle sales in Germany declined by 9. % to 24,064 units in 2005, which further declined to 23,617 units in 2006. †¢Corporate image-too serious ad tradition-bound. †¢Hybrid Prices-These types of cars will save you a lot of money on fuel, but the problem BMW is having trouble with is pricing the hybrids. It would be hard for BMW to find customers that would buy the hybrids at a high cost. †¢Shipment Cost-Most of the cars are shipped from Germany to the United States. The shipping cost would affect the price of the car. This is one the expenses that the BMW company’s would have to deal with in pricing their vehicles for the customers satisfaction. Online Strategies-BMW is not winning the â€Å"information war† in the market place about its own customers, their attitudes, complaints, wishes, etc. BMW is not operating in a manner, which acts to â€Å"include† its customers including their meeting and information sharing sources. Existing online efforts do not meet consumer needs. There is a lack of â€Å"human intelligence† and an over-reliance on visual marketing in BMW’s on-line strategies. †¢Dealer Networks-BMW’s dealer network is in the midst of great change. Overall basic product margins are down while business infrastructure requirements are up. Many dealers do not feel that the field reps are there to help them build their business but rather just to comment arbitrarily and deliver business change requirements from BMW headquarters. There is a problem with two way information flow in the distributor-dealer relationship. Dealers feel that they are not being listened to and are also not being serviced in critical areas of their business by BMWNA staff. †¢Management-Dealers want to be able to discuss key elements of their business given their limited capital resources. Given the size and nature of he motorcycle market many dealers feel that BMW’s current policies are overly restrictive to the healthy development of their business and that BMWNA should operate in a more flexible manner which could be seen as co-development of a dealer’s franchise not just top-down management by memo. †¢Changing Consumer Environments-Also, as it appears that BMW’s dealer strategy is to move to larger centralized â €˜corporate style’ stores, many of the smaller ‘mom and pop’ dealerships that historically or currently serve a key segment of the BMW owners/riders are being alienated and/or eliminated. By following this policy of upgrade or be eliminated BMW is removing both the habitat in which the consumers live as well as the knowledge base and support structure from which they engage in BMW oriented motorcycle commerce. OPPORTUNITIES †¢India-The Company has been launching several new initiatives and has been widening its product base since 2001. The company expects ample growth opportunities in India, and it is keen on expanding its bases in these countries. †¢The expansion of the euro. -In May 2004 more countries adopted the euro making it the world’s biggest trading block. This offers ample opportunities for BMW to leverage its strong European position in the premium car segment to gather more market share across new and expanding markets. †¢A Chinese luxury car market-Rigorous attempt to get into the Chinese luxury car market signifies an increase in the earnings of the company over the coming years. China already ranks as the third largest market for BMW’s 7 Series luxury limousines. BMW predicts that vigorous growth will place China among the company’s seven largest markets in a few more years. †¢Diesel Power-BMW foresees an immense opportunity in the diesel-powered cars segment. Tourism-the Zentrum building is located in South Carolina. This gives tourists the opportunity to take a look at the history of BMW, also at the cars, the speed and innovation free of charge. It is the only BMW museum in the United States. It is also located next to the only BMW manufacturing plant in the United States. BMW should take a look into bu ilding more museums throughout the world. †¢Expansion-although BMW is very successful they should think about expanding their manufacturing plants throughout the United States and other countries. They only have one location in the United States which is in South Carolina. †¢Have the best and most current technology-It is important for BMW to have the best research and development staff where they can keep the company up-to-date with technology. With the latest technology and supplies, BMW can create the best cars the fastest and most efficient way possible. †¢Broaden information sharing -BMW should broaden information sharing amongst their dealers, distributors, and factory. This will improve product repair knowledge resulting in improved customer service and satisfaction. Improve and run their business based on their business plan-Improving the capabilities of dealers to sell more BMW products in the marketplace through refinement of their business plan †¢Utilize the Internet more-Multiply the value of the ‘human capital’ in the BMW network by â€Å"e-knowledge† and â€Å"e-training. † †¢Better training of their salespeople-Deve lopment and implementation of business practices that harness the best of each individual dealer and make their unique market position/skills a valuable part of the entire network. Partnering with Sirius Radio-In 2005, BMW partnered with Sirius Satellite Radio to promote its new 3-serious car for 44 days. BMW used Sirius to promote its new car because the radio station had 1. 24 million subscribers and still growing. On the final day of promotion it broadcasted a live concert with various artists. †¢Acquiring Volvo-The chairman of BMW, Dr. Norbert Reithofer, is plan on expanding the business with a fourth brand name, Volvo. Although sales of Volvo has been slow in the North American and Europe, its brand name focuses mainly on safety and its fashion appeal is not attractive to the eye. BMW could help out by acquiring the company to make it a more global brand, also in the Asian Market. †¢Apple iPhone-The new Apple iPhone is one of the next best things of phones. It is a touch screen phone with a built in iPod. This would give BMW the opportunity to integrate the iPhone into their cars. †¢China market-An opportunity for BMW is the increase in the luxury automobile market in china. The most significant growth of the luxury market can be attributed to Jiangsu province which has created an 84 percent increase. Next to Jiangsu is Guangdong, making 79 percent recorded growth in the market. On the other hand, Zhejiang province also bagged a 54 percent increase. THREATS †¢Demand Patterns-BMW operates in an industry that is prone to cyclical demand patterns due to consumer wants and needs. †¢Currency-Any unfavorable trend in Euro valuation against major currencies can hurt BMW’s performance. †¢Fuel Efficiency-While BMW continues to work on high performance, clean and efficient gasoline engines, the company is also committed to a green-house-gas- free hydrogen powered vehicle as a long-term strategy. At this time we have an active development program that will enable us still to bring to market a full size automobile, propelled with hydrogen, before the end of the decade. †¢The continuing decline of the dollar against the euro-This threatens to undercut BMW’s top-line thereby tempering its profitability. The euro to one-dollar ratio has dropped from 0. 702626 euros to 0. 690376 euros from October to November. †¢The rising price of raw materials -Materials such as steel threaten to offset the company’s earnings. BMW continues to face the rising cost of raw materials as the key challenge to maintain and improve their growth performance. The annual average market price of aluminum, copper and plastic rose by 34%, 76% and 13%, respectively, in 2006. Likewise, the price of industrial raw materials also increased by more than 30% in 2006. †¢Rising gas prices – with a weak U. S. market, steadily rising gas prices and gaining popularity in non-luxury vehicles there is the temptation to move down market.